The philosophy and principles of tuina massage are based on traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on emotional and physical components of a person’s well-being, as well as aspects such as climate, relationships, and diet.
The underlying philosophy of tuina massage is that true health is achieved when one has found harmony and balance inside the self and their environment.
The goal of tuina massage is to create harmony in the yin and yang of the body by getting rid of blockages and disturbances that manifest as illness, disease, and emotional issues.
Similar to acupuncture, tuina massage uses the same energetic meridians and acupoints to balance the qi and blood in your body, leading to better health. Qi that’s flowing incorrectly can cause blockages, such as poor blood circulation in the affected area.
The main therapeutic goal of tuina massage is to remove the energetic blocks that are causing qi stagnation.
Learning to relax is vital for well-being. It reduces tension in all parts of your body and helps you to stay balanced even in stressful situations.
With regular Heartfulness Meditation, your mind will become centered and shift to deeper levels of feeling, intuition and consciousness.
Cleaning fosters lightness of being, joy and a carefree attitude, as emotional burdens, habits, deep conditioning and complexities are removed.
Inner Connection
Through a simple sincere intention before going to sleep, you can connect with your inner self, listen to your heart and design a better future.